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ai for passive income generation ✌️【】✌️Start with as little as ₹500. Safe and smart fund investments to grow your wealth.A day after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was booked following a heated altercation in Parliament with BJP-led NDA members, the Congress on Friday hit back, calling it a “diversionary tactic.”The case comes in the wake of Gandhi’s strong objections to Union Home MinisterAmit Shah’s controversial remarks about Dr BR Ambedkar.“Rahul ji is already facing 26 FIRs due to theBJP’s political vendetta”,Congresslashed out.
ai for passive income generation ✌️【】✌️Start with ₹500 and achieve up to 100% monthly returns. Simple, safe, and highly profitable.Taking to X , Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal called the FIR a mere distraction.
“The FIR against ShriRahul Gandhiji is a diversionary tactic to his staunch stand against the Home Minister,” he wrote.The FIR against Sh.@RahulGandhiji is nothing but a diversionary tactic in response to his staunch protest against the Home Minister.A case against him for defending Babasaheb’s legacy is a badge of honour.
ai for passive income generation ✌️【】✌️Start with as little as ₹500. Safe and smart fund investments to grow your wealth.And in any case, Rahul ji is already facing 26 FIRs due to the BJP’s…Venugopal went a step further, terming the case a “badge of honour.” He added, ‘this latest FIR will not stop him or the Congress from standing up against the casteist RSS-BJP regime.”He also questioned the Delhi Police’s priorities.
“At the same time, why has the Delhi Police not acted on the FIRs filed by womenMPsof INC against the BJP leaders who physically assaulted them?” he asked.The FIR was filed after a scuffle broke out on Thursday between ruling NDA MPs and the OppositionINDIAbloc at the Parliament’s Makar Dwar entrance.
ai for passive income generation ✌️【】✌️Start with as little as ₹500. Safe and smart fund investments to grow your wealth.BJP MPs Pratap Chandra Sarangi and Mukesh Rajput alleged they were injured after being pushed by Rahul for passive income generation Stock Market Investments: Low Risk, High Rewards